The Farm

We convert vacant lots into therapeutic growing spaces through practical volunteer work.

Vacant Lots Farm Club is a system that allows for large scale food and flower plantings to utilize vacant spaces quickly.

We create therapeutic landscapes at scale in urban environments, and contribute to the practice of therapeutic horticulture in our larger agriculture system.

Kit of Parts

The kit of parts is a collection of components designed to cultivate therapeutic urban landscapes right in the heart of the city. Each crafted to cultivate not just plants, but a sense of serenity and wellbeing amidst the bustling rhythm of urban life.

The kit of parts allows our farm to integrate with the existing site context and surrounding community, making each lot a unique experience.

Hoop House Clubhouse

Our clubhouse shelters plants and people. It's the nucleus of the farm.

Production Garden

No dig raised beds of food and flowers. High intensity, small footprint.

Compost Patch

Soil health built with local materials. Yard waste becomes brown gold.

Messy Meadow

A mix of 30-50 types of food and flowers. Low maintenance abundance.

Shrubby Shelterbelt

Native perennials mix with berry and tea shrubs. Provides windbreak for wildlife and workers.

"The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”
Masanobu Fukuoka

Field Trips

Vacant Lots Farm Club field trips are designed to educate, inspire, and delight. Engage your students with active, fun, helpful, outdoor work that contributes to the wellbeing and beautification of the city. Activities range from all aspects of farm production, to nature appreciation, mindfulness training, and environmental science.

Included in all field trips is a safety orientation, farm tour, and nature bath. Select from our half day or full day schedules and enjoy additional seasonal activities from our menu.

Farm Work: Planting, Harvesting, Composting, Tool Maintenance

Meditative Work: Seed Saving, Nature Appreciation, Research and Observation

Creative Work: Nature Collage, Insect and Bird Housing, Garden Design, Sketch Studies

After completing the safety orientation everyone is welcome to join as anofficial farm club member and start enjoying member benefits.


Team Building Workshops

Experience the perfect blend of teamwork, sustainability, and culinary delight with our custom workshop tailored to your group.

Set against the backdrop of the farm, this workshop offers a unique opportunity for your team to enjoy the fruits of their labor (quite literally, with a harvest lunch!) Activities range from all aspects of farm production, to nature appreciation, mindfulness training, and environmental science.

Any team member who takes part in the workshop is then welcome to join as an official member and start enjoying member benefits.


Organics Drop-Off

We provide a convenient and eco-conscious solution for businesses to dispose of their commercial organic material while contributing to the growth of our urban farm.

Businesses can partner with us to divert their organic waste from landfills and instead channel it towards regenerative agricultural practices. From yard waste to woodchips and plant trimmings, we accept a wide range of organic materials that can be repurposed to enrich our soil and nourish our crops.

By choosing our service, businesses not only demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship but also play a direct role in fostering a more sustainable and resilient urban ecosystem. Every contribution of organic material supports our efforts to regenerate the land, sequester carbon, and promote biodiversity in our communities.